3 ways to improve your email subject lines
If you’re doing any email marketing – even a one off invite to an event, you need to seriously consider your subject lines.
People get so many emails! Who do you know that complains they don’t get enough?
So, all the effort you make to write and prepare that email could be wasted if you ignore that all important subject line. Get it right, and you will enjoy a much higher opening rates – which means more people read your words, look at your images, click on your links, and think about you!
By being thoughtful with your wording and what your message in the email/newsletter is, you will have a quick and positive effect on your company marketing. Here are 3 important tips.
You need to get your point and key message across in the most concise way possible. It has been estimated that subject lines with 50 characters or less result in 12% higher opening rates and 75% higher click through rates than longer subject lines. Always place the most important words at the beginning and try eliminate filler words, so that the people get the point quickly and directly. See: Subject line length statistics
Hook your audience
Use incentivised language to grab your audience’s attention to immediately give them a reason to open your email. Write for them, not about you. Language that is eye catching and exciting will inspire recipients and make them want to know more. Communicate value to the reader, so they feel that opening the email will be helpful to them or the business for example. At the same time, stay true to to the content within the email. Stay away from over-used words and clichés – and don’t get carried away by promising them the world. If you lie, they will lose trust in you or company and simply not bother opening the next email.
Below are some example of good and bad subject lines to give you an idea:
Good examples:
- Economic stabilisation – is it ok to breathe yet?’,
- Not just Halloween – These 6 things should constantly terrify you’
- Recession proof your career
Bad example:
- Newsletter #1′, ‘[Company Name]’, ‘Spring update’
- Latest newsletter from [Company name]
- This free special offer ends soon
Further reading: How to craft an email subject with a good hook
Spelling and grammar
It’s very important that your spelling and grammar are on point, so that your message isn’t lost or misinterpreted. Lynne Truss pointed out how an absent comma can change the entire meaning of a sentence, “The panda eats shoots and leaves”. Also important to check that the correct words are capitalised and the correct ones are not. These points are also very important within the main body of the email, but the subject line is the first impression you will make and you can’t expect your reader to trust you if you haven’t bothered to spell or punctuate properly.
Read up on the importance of spelling and grammar
These tips are simple and will show measurable improvements in your email open rates. Let us know what your experience is, and any favourite subject lines you would like to share!