What can we as businesses learn about marketing from these 2 guys on Tinder?
These two guys are better at their own Tinder profile marketing than many businesses I know. And they’re both still students.
How do I know Milan and Nicholas?
I met Milan at Tomorrowland in 2015 and he’s been a friend since. He’s visited us and stayed at our place a couple of times during London visits, and he wll soon be continuing his studies here in the UK. This year Milan helped us get our Tomorrowland tickets and while there we met his mate Nicholas. And more recently, both of them came to visit and stay with us.
How did it come about that they showed me their Tinder profiles?
These 2 guys are young, free and single, and somehow we got talking about Tinder. I was impressed and amazed at their selection of profile pictures – they seem to have an innate instinct for curating the images that will make them approachable and intriguing to potential dates. Both of these guys had curated such a great selection of photos I just HAD to feature it.
Making it a marketing article gives me my professional excuse. If your business isn’t at least putting this type of thinking into your own business, then hopefully the fact that these 2 guys have put this effort into Tinder wlll motivate you.
At any moment, these 2 might be snapped up and their Tinder profiles will have to be shelved. So, to immortalise them, and teach you business owners a thing or 2, I decided to ask for screenshots, and write this up. Because, why is it that they are better at their marketing than most of the businesses we know? This shouldn’t be the case.
What are the lessons?
Show variety: What I noticed in their profile pictures is that they show a good cross section of diffeent aspects of themselves. 6 images each, and no sameyness. Each image shows something positive. This is something that businesses need to apply when they prepare their marketing content and he images they use in their design material. You dont want it just to be one thing repeated over and over.
Showing your work: Milan and Nicholas are in filmmaking and photography. So, their work has visual appeal. They could have easily just shown themselves at parties and festivals, but they each have put something interesting. This helps to give more fuel to the chats and conversations they could be having. You as a business should also show your team at work, and the work you do, where possible – in well composed images.
Just the right amount of humour: We’re all people here, and businesses tend to be overly serious in the way they present themselves. These images show a hint of humour, in a sophisticated style, which I think strikes the right balance.
This wonderful first impression isn’t enough. In marketing, you need to think of your first impression, and also how you communicate on an ongoing basis. For example, Milan and Nicholas would need to stand out with their opening lines and conversation – see this article for some tips that you can possibly learn from (if you’re liking this analogy mood we’re in – Tinder can teach us about business marketing!). That article also highlights some of the important messages about communication: Find something relevant to say. Don’t abbreviate your words. Try and be different from all the others. And actually say something!
Comment below with your thoughts!
Milan’s Pictures:
This is a bit of an Belgian inside joke. This beer is a cheap one, known in Belgian, and there’s a bit of a meme where you show the can in different scenarios. The Belgian girls would get it. Others, it’s quirky and different.
Nicholas’s Pictures: