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TLD Company Values

TLD Company Values - all four of them on postcards!

Lately, we’ve been doing a lot of work on defining who we are, and applying the EOS System with the help of Julia Langkraehr from Bold Clarity. It’s been amazing, and one of the exercises we did was defining our values. We did this as a team, and facilitated by until we had narrowed it down to 4 key values.

These are the qualities that every one of us within the team has and what makes us so great to work with!
And there is other evidence of this – in the experiences our clients have and in the information, we share on our blog and social media channels.

We also designed (with the help of our talented intern Gabrielle) these into postcards. Any time someone in the team exhibits one of these qualities we can give them the relevant postcard!

If you would like to have a set of our TLD Values Postcards, simply let us know by emailing team [at]

Top Left Design’s 4 values explained

Teach and Learn: We are of course always learning, from reading up on social media and content marketing, trying the latest tools for productivity, efficiency, communication and design. We also like to make things clear for our clients, so take the time to explain technical things, plus tips and tricks for better marketing and design. And we share information internally to make sure we are always improving.

Top Left Design Value - Teach and Learn

We are Efficient, Effective and Reliable with the quick working practices we have adopted – keyboard shortcuts, keeping a library of resources and files, naming things properly, and sticking to project plans. We also share tips on being more efficient!

Top Left Design Value - Efficient, Effective and Reliable

Being Caring and Helpful is so important too – we want to take care of each other and our clients – and acknowledge other people’s experiences and points of view.

Top Left Design Value - Caring and Helpful

And lastly, our team brings an Enthusiastic and Energetic spirit to work, so happiness spreads and we enjoy work even more!

Top Left Design Value - Enthusiastic and Energetic

And I really am happy to send you a set of these postcards, it’s been a great and very useful exercise and will make things much easier when we hire new members of the team in future! Check out the video we made about our company values as well!

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