The surprisingly easy ways I have changed my life for the better
The beginning of positive change
There are many positive aspects of change that one does not realize. Not only does participating in change affect your daily lifestyle but your overall mental capacity. I found that by just being around the positive people and healthy food has flipped my outlook on how easy change can be!
The need for a unique experience
I was always looking for change and I didn’t think of how to go about doing so.
I had already had tried diets and gym exercise but it was just too hard because food always tastes better when it is unhealthy and getting a gym membership means constantly being intimidated by people. My volleyball coach had said we had to do yoga three times a week. It was hard at first and I found the classes intimidating. However, I did notice that I felt better after just a few classes.
Then the big discovery
Luckily I discovered a product when I was searching for at home methods and found something that peaked my interest!
A yoga subscription that I could use to do yoga without leaving home.
Before, I felt that I didn’t need yoga in my life because it was going to be too hard, I didn’t have enough time, and I didn’t want to be judged for not being at the same ability level as other people in the class.
I found out that I not only do I feel better after yoga, my mental state is healthier as well!
Eating hazards avoided!
Even with yoga, I know that a big part of being healthy has to do with what I eat. I felt as if I could never eat healthy because I love the taste of junk food and especially pizza.
And then by coincidence (a family connection) that I was invited by Udaya Yoga to come to Bulgaria for an internship.
[For those who don’t know, Udaya Yoga videos are filmed at the Nu Boyana film studios in Bulgaria, the same place where they filmed the Expendables series!]
During this internship I have done many jobs on set and I was amazed by the sheer commitment the yogis had to their lifestyle and choices! I was able to help out when they filmed healthy cooking demos to be added to the Udaya collection.
From this I found out that with the right recipes from Udaya Yoga that eating healthily actually isn’t that hard at all – the recipes actually taste very good and are healthy for me!
Breaking through everyday barriers!
With Udaya Yoga I feel as if I don’t put barriers onto myself and have realistic expectations. I don’t even feel like I am on a diet at all because I can have as much of the delicious food that I want AND it’s HEALTHY!
I have improved my mental state for my future and for playing volleyball through the yoga and eating experience.
Not only with this does it make the physical aspect of life easier feel better but it clears your mind into an endless horizon of knowledge and self worth.