My 3 Vistage workshops in Durham and Edinburgh
I’ve been going to far flung places to run Vistage workshops and now that I am back and catching up I thought I should share some of my experiences.
TLD Team Trip To Bulgaria
Last week we spent a week in Sofia, Bulgaria, and set up an office in Nu Boyana Film Studios so we could work while we were there. There were...
New York. The perfect book writing retreat.
It’s hard to find time to write a book. Even for me and I consider myself an over acheiver. And for my friend – fellow over acheiver Abbie Tanner....
How to feel like a superhero in New York (guest post from Mark Lynch)
A note from me, Keren, before I hand over to Mark. I met Mark at JFK Airport, we randomly started talking, and he was on the same flight as...
My trip to the Big Apple for Comic Con
We all have a dream destination, a place that we want to go to, a place that if asked the question ‘If you could only ever go on holiday...