New York. The perfect book writing retreat.
It’s hard to find time to write a book.
Even for me and I consider myself an over acheiver.
And for my friend – fellow over acheiver Abbie Tanner. So, we decided in order to properly focus we needed to get away, somewhere we we could have time and quiet. We thought – possibly Cornwall – as this is a peaceful place we had visited before.
The other option was New York. We compared the cost and travel time. New York was slightly more. But Abbie thought it would be best anyway to choose New York. And she’s right about most things.
In New York – our purpose was to get our books written. Any other activity was secondary. Each day we would walk for miles to our writing destinations (coffee shops mainly) and spend time adding to our overall wordcount. We also made some time for shopping to give us a much needed screenbreak.
Even though we did want to focus on writing, finding wifi zones (and food) was still quite important to us. And so was the standard of the coffee we drank – we found some good ones. Overall it was a very productive trip – with a total step count of 67,000 steps (each) and with me reaching 40,000 words in my first draft – and Abbie completing her detailed chapter plans and initial first three chapters too.
On our last day, we even managed to get to a seminar which was all about marketing your business with a book, with Henry DeVries. It’s quite lucky that that was the seminar which was on exactly when we went, but then, we really are lucky people!

Coffee at Pennylane Coffee

Culture Espresso

Dos Caminos

Pancakes with maple syrup – yum

Abbie in Manhattan

One of our “work spots”

Me and Abbie – at “Pick a Bagel”

The beautiful sky

Big Gay Ice Cream Shop

Coworking location – Culture Espresso

Times Square

Breakfast in the Meatpacking District