My journey as a graphic design intern at Top Left Design
What’s it like doing an internship these days at TLD? Tatiana shares, in detail, her experience.

Did you think office small talk isn't important to business growth?
Here’s why great working relationships increase productivity!

The difference of Christmas between Shanghai and London (written by Jeff)
I am Jeff Yu from China. Last Christmas, I was preparing my portfolio in Tongji University Shanghai to apply for a master course in University of the Arts London....

James's week at Top Left Design catching Pokémon in Soho!
Editor’s Note (from Keren) This Poképost was written by James Ross – he has just done a week’s internship, and I set him the project of going out and experiencing...

Some issues I’ve faced during my internship – and how to fix them!
Keren’s note: This article was written by Thibault Guichard during his internship at TLD. If you want to learn more about internships at TLD view our other posts on...

Thibault (our intern, new in London from France) tells us about his journey to work.
Prologue I turn the key into the lock until it’s bolted, slip it into my pocket, and walk away from the door towards the street. The sky is the...
The experience I gained after my 3 weeks Internship at TLD!
Hi, my name is Rabia and I have done 3 weeks internship at TLD. Coming to TLD has made my passion in design grow even further. After these 3...