Did you think office small talk isn't important to business growth?
Here’s why great working relationships increase productivity!
Do you work 9-5? If the answer is yes, you spend most of your time in the day with your co-workers, (even more than with your family members). I once read that as humans we spend 30% percent of our lives at work. Crazy right
But good news: spending so much time with others in the workplace, it’s almost inevitable to form connections with the ones surrounding you. Lucky for everyone, forming strong connections with others has many positive side effects.
Workplace relationships here at TLD
My name is Taylor and I attend the University of Cincinnati. A part of my university program is to co-op every other semester during my time at school. This co-op semester I had the opportunity to work here in London for three months at Top Left Design.
As a new member of the TLD team, I’ve had an outside perspective looking in on the workplace relationships here. I remember being nervous the first day I arrived but instantly put at ease when I felt the warmth of the environment in the office. As I’ve realised the past couple weeks here at TLD, what makes this team so productive is the shared goal of the organization to put out the best work possible, and to do so in a fun and productive way. It’s obvious that everyone here is glad to be a part of the team, which got me thinking. Why?
The main reason I came up with is happiness. When it comes to overall content in a job, co-workers are the most crucial factor in workplace happiness. Humans instinctively desire connections with others, and having an open workspace where these connections can be made is where a constructive workspace emerges. Studies have shown that humans are better physically and mentally when we have positive interactions with others, and even better friendships. Having a positive work environment that inspires friendship is something TLD does extremely well. Below are some of the positive effects of working relationships!
Positive Effects
- Improved Teamwork – One of the biggest positives of workplace relationships is improved teamwork. When you get along with others well, you are most likely to work well together. Those who respect each other are more likely to want to collaborate!
- Increased Productivity – It is a proven fact that happy employees are more productive overall, and generate a better quality of work. When you know you get to see your friends every morning it makes you more excited to get into the office every day, and more excited to work together as a team!
- Personal Support – There are ups and downs some days to any work experience. Having a support system during stressful or discouraging times on the job makes employees more likely to move forward after a less than perfect day. Being a part of someone’s work life makes you a character in someone’s overall life, and if you’re already in someone’s story why not truly make a point to be a part of it.
- Personal Health – Another benefit to having working relationships is that heathy relationships (those with mutual trust, respect and understanding) improve your physical health. You respond better to stress, your immune system is enhanced, and you live longer! (Who doesn’t want to live a little longer right?)
Happiness = Productivity
While it’s the utmost importance to work, this can still be done while always having a laugh. Taking time out of the day to having a chat with a teammate boosts the mood and happiness of your fellow employees, and inspires hard work. So, the next time you’re wondering how one of your co-worker’s weekends was, ASK!