Insight, advice, news and chit chat


Press Update: Business Tips from Start to Success

2019 is almost upon us. The weather is turning colder, the lights are up around London, and Keren has been busy writing away. Here is a round-up of what’s been published lately, which will hopefully be helpful to you and your business, no matter what stage you are in!

Freelance to New Full-Time Business

Everyone comes from different career backgrounds. Keren took her article on as opportunity to share her start with you. The process going from a full-time employee to a freelance designer to a full-time employer has taught her a lot. She shares tips on what freelancers should be looking to do if they are looking to expand their work into a full-time business.

Full-Time Business to Growing Business

As an entrepreneur, you know clients are important to growing your business. That’s pretty obvious. You might not be a salesperson, but you don’t have to be. Your expertise and personality should attract clients, not your showmanship. Read what Keren has learned about this in her article.

Growing Business to Successful Business

So now your business is growing nicely, but that doesn’t mean you won’t hit bumps in the road. Tough times and mistakes happen. Your mistakes can become learning experiences for your business. Hired the wrong person? Learn the warning signs to look for when hiring for next time. Bad work habits? Spin them into positives. A bad website? You can make a difference with simple fixes, or, if your problem is larger, talk to us at Top Left Design and see if we are a good fit to build you a new one.
People who keep an open mind and learn from their mistakes are going to be the most successful.

Sharing your Success

Social Media is a wonderful tool for any business to use. It is valuable because it keeps you in touch with your clients, expands your circle of influence with every share, and tells people new to you exactly who you are. This all might be old news, but how do you know if your social media presence is working? Keren answers this question with a simple checklist on so you can get a read on how effective your online campaigns are. You have a successful business, brag about it!
Here’s to a very successful 2019!

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