October press coverage highlights: ContentLive by NatWest and Digital Marketing Magazine
In September, I had articles published in a number of online publications. and I’m delighted to say that, last month, I had the opportunity to add to that list with contribution to ContentLive by NatWest and an article for Digital Marketing Magazine!
Social media is becoming all the more crucial for businesses and can have a huge impact on growth. Following my recent talks on the topic, I was invited to share my views in a feature on ContentLive by NatWest, a website that aims to help business owners make better informed business decisions with the latest news, insight and analysis from industry experts. You can read the full article and my advice on how to use social media in high growth businesses, here.
Last month also saw my second article for Digital Marketing Magazine published; I followed on from my first, which looked at how to make the most of social media tools in business, by encouraging business owners to get more involved in their marketing if they want the true voice of their brand heard. Read the full article – ‘Where is the love? – here.
Please do take a look and let me know what you think. If you have any questions or feedback, I’d love to hear from you! Contact me on Twitter @topleftdesign or email me on keren@topleftdesign.com.