Shocked and saddened by Brexit decision, and my favourite social media responses

Pros and Cons of Big vs Small clients
You can’t really say that big clients are better than small clients or vice versa. Everyone is an individual and so are our clients. We...

The unexpected AcroYoga demo Periscope I had the privilege to film (with Eugene and Pip)
It’s my first embedded Periscope! And how lucky am I to have gotten this opportunity to film these two talented people.

Content Marketing for Financial Services – a free webinar from Idio
I came across this excellent webinar from the idio Co-Founder & COO Andrew Davies.

Dumb Ways to Die – How to embed a YouTube video into a blog (Step by step instructions)
I love this video and if you haven’t seen it yet, you should! It’s worth taking a break from work and other stuff in life to watch. If you...
You don't want to miss these Xmas videos!
On Christmas Eve, it’s a time to spend with family and not on the computer, writing a blog post However, it’s also a time to show generousity of spirit....
A personal listing of online and offline tools – a guest post from Simon Fogg
“Who do you think will complete the task of prep-ing their pineapple first? The person with the pineapple slicer gadget or the one with the sharp knife?”. So began...