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What does Follow Friday, #FollowFriday or #FF mean on Twitter?

Follow Friday is when, on a Friday, people show each other some Twitter love, by recommending to their followers who they recommend to follow. It was invented by Twitter users. And it’s usually preceded by the hash sign – as in #FF or #FollowFriday. So, it’s actually a hashtag, used on Fridays!
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A note about hashtags, while I am at it

When you put a hash sign next to a word on Twitter, it becomes clickable. Any spaces or punctuation marks will “break” the hashtag and it will be just the word before the hyphen or apostrophe or space which is clickable.
Why Friday?
I can only guess this, it’s a nice end of the week thing to do. Friday is a more relaxed day. People have Pizza Friday and Beer Friday, there are songs written about Friday, it all kind of goes with that Friday feeling.

Typically there are three ways to do it.

A group Follow Friday:
This is when you group together a list of people you think people should follow. It’s a group love tweet!

A specific person Follow Friday – with a reason

Where you recommend one person to follow, for a special reason. Many folk recommend this version as it’s more personal.

A group Follow Friday – with a reason for all

Your reaction to #FF

Another thing that happens is when people are #FFd, it’s polite to say thank you! You can also

  1. Follow the other people in the group you were mentioned in
  2. Tweet back and say something about how you are pleased to be included
  3. Tweet back and say you have followed the other people

Hope that helped you understand all about the #FF trend on Twitter!
You can learn more about how it all started on Mashable’s post #FollowFriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend

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