The December Myth
I used to worry about December. It’s the one time when “everyone” will have time off.

Data visualisation: why are graphs important?
If you are one of those people who don’t like math, there’s a good chance that you feel the same way about graphs, too. They involve numerical data, which...

Creating a legacy with your knowledge: turning expertise into income
This is actually a common request. For people who have years and years of experience, working in the “field.”

How computer vision can benefit your business
At Top Left Design, we are always on the lookout for innovative technologies that can drive business growth and enhance customer experiences.

A story of hope, kindness, and unwavering determination
I recently found out about this amazing woman who adopted 14 children, from my brother Yariv.

Bespoke custom WordPress website design and development: How-To Guide
Ready to learn how to create a custom website?

Ideal customers, user personas, customer avatars – what?
Once we get past what we’re calling it, it’s time to create your “”Alright, let’s dive into this “buyer persona”!