The story of our TLD Team Building ski trip with Snowbizz (by Tamlyn Hall)
Well, what can I say?
What an amazing week of TLD team building, ski fun and laughter! Being away together really brought us closer together – being with workmates outside of a work environment makes you get to know them on a more personal level, and really builds you as a team. We all helped each other where we could and each evening was spent hanging out together, cooking, chatting and just generally team-bonding!
My first experience skiing
Skiing itself turned out to be an exhilarating experience, especially for a bit of an adrenaline junkie such as myself. You take a lot of tumbles when you’re learning, and the only way to carry on is to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on your skis (a bit like life really!). I also learnt that losing your skis on a red slope is generally Not. A . Good. Idea.
Spending time with the TLD team
Whilst chatting about the week to a couple of people on the ski lift, I got asked if there were any issues with living with workmates for a week. I could honestly answer no. We all get on so well that it’s like being on holiday with friends. Their reaction was “I would never want to go away with my work colleagues, we’d all drive each other mad”. Well, what can I say, who wouldn’t want to go away with the TLD team – we’re one of a kind!
What about our client work?
One of the worries and challenges of the trip was how we were going to manage our clients expectations whilst having an absolute ball out on the slopes – a slightly difficult task to do when you’re out on the slopes all day! But with some forewarning and good planning we managed just fine. Everyone knew we were away, we checked our emails daily and did the tasks that we could do remotely either in the morning before we left, or in the evening when dinner was being cooked. Turned out to be a pretty successful system – my work backlog is minimal!
A special mention to Snowbizz
Talking about clients, this whole trip wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for one of our lovely clients – Snowbizz! We recently redid their website for them, and as a thank you they offered us this fantastic opportunity as a team. It was an amazing trip, lovely apartments, lovely hosts and absolutely breathtaking scenery. An experience that is definitely to be repeated!