Think you don’t have time to manage your Twitter? Here are 3 tools that will free you!
“Twitter? I don’t have time for that.” Well, we have a secret for you – ready? Twitter Gurus followed by thousands of people don’t actually spend the whole day behind their...
How do I make our Twitter more personal?
Twitter works best when you are you, and as a friendly open channel, the more you show your personality, the more you will be noticed and the more people...
Turn that minefield into a goldmine – with these 5 must follow social media rules
Although I am a seasoned social media user, I still meet so many people who find it all so new and overwhelming. If this is you, hello! Don’t be...
Twitter's new Safety Centre shines a light on what to do about abuse, trolls, and annoying people on Twitter.
I love Twitter for its openness and potential and all the crazy and wonderful stories of people connecting on Twitter. And of life experiences that happen because of Twitter....
My social media training was featured in
As you probably know, I do a lot of social media training (visit my social media training page for latest workshop information), and I truly believe that anyone can...
How to control if fans can post on your page
Why would businesses be worried about the fact people can post on their walls and pages? Social media provide a space for customers, individuals or business interact with brands....
Why are you going to that networking event anyway? How you can use LinkedIn and Twitter to make the most out of your networking time.
So why are you going to that networking event? Sometimes it’s because it’s in your calendar. You thought to yourself “I should do some networking” or even more likely,...