When half of TLD went to South Africa
April was an unusual month. As you may know, we have a number of South Africans who work for Top Left Design – Tamlyn, Amy, and JP – and...

Admitting some things I normally wouldn't – on International Women’s Day
It’s my annual tradition to write a blog against all odds on International Women’s Day – no matter where I am or what I am doing. To show the...

Keren speaks – where you will find me speaking in the final few months of 2014
We’re on the home stretch of 2014 – and after a summer of getting super efficient here at TLD, I am finding myself being asked to speak at a...

My pitch for KPI Pitchfest
I recently competed in the Key Person of Influence Pitchfest event, and spoke in front of an audience of around 100 people including high profile judges. I have to...

The transition from where we were, where we always have been and where we are now – still helping you show the best of yourself
Ever since I started the business I have had the mission “to clean up the internet” Now that remains and added to it is to prove that magic existed...

My trip to the Big Apple for Comic Con
We all have a dream destination, a place that we want to go to, a place that if asked the question ‘If you could only ever go on holiday...

Website mistakes that small businesses make – my hangout with Julie Hall from Women Unlimited
I have just come off a webinar with my friend Julie Hall, founder of Women Unlimited Worldwide, who I have known for ages. In this webinar we discuss the...