TLD climbing Snowdon for Starlight Barking
In July the team (Keren, Amy, Candice and Tamlyn) and will be singing “The Hills are Alive” as part of the Barking Mad Trek 2024.
Starlight Barking making a difference for stray dogs
Wendy Lyotier, along with the Starlight Barking Trust, is on a mission to address the global stray dog crisis and provide support to shelters worldwide.
Wendy thinks we’re superstars and together we’ve helped rehome thousands of dogs!
Our wonderful superstar client Wendy Lyotier from Snowbizz is a long-time Loyalty Club member.
Men are like cats and women are like dogs (70% of the time)
This isn’t some fad self-help blog. I am not writing this to make money. I am not just inventing a catchy title to get people to read this (ok...