"I don't have time for Social Media"
Being in the business I am in, I find I often get into conversations about social media. There are still loads of business people who find the world of Social Media alien and overwhelming.
It seems strange to people who are so used to using social media (like us Twitter Addicts) that there are people out there who are not participating. But “not having time” is an excuse to not get involved – as anyone who is involved will understand!
I run a busy design agency and have a lot of tasks and responsibilities and “unexpected” situations that happen on a daily basis, and somehow I manage to DO social media every day! This means I am on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, our blog and even a bit of YouTube. And I am going to be increasing this activity, because it’s worth it.
Am I superwoman? How do I do it?
Aha, I bet you want to know! And if you think it’s all automated, you are wrong.
I am consciously and personally update all posts, status updates, tweets and even featured newsletter topics for Top Left Design.
I am holding a seminar on the 8th December with Alicia Cowan – “Social Media for Professional Services”. Can you come?
If you feel like the headline of this post resonates with you, here are 8 reasons to come along.
- Alicia and I will show you at least 8 time saving tips
- You can learn what to focus on, and what to not bother with – and how to create a proper Social Media strategy.
- You will see WHY you need to integrate Social Media properly into your marketing for your business
- You can learn where you can get content to share and ideas for your own content
- You can practice over the holiday break, and get up to speed before 2012 comes rushing in!
- You can learn why this can be a way to reach entirely new audiences
- You will find out what resources there are for you to keep learning
- You can learn what NOT to do – which means you will save LOADS of time NOT doing those things!
Whew! So, there’s your list of 8 things. Hope to see you there!
Tanya Rennick
Wow, sounds like the most valuable 5.5 hours you can spend before Christmas! I’m not Googling and now I know I must, and I got that just from reading this blog! 🙂
Karen Haller
Your workshop sounds great. Following your steps will really make doing your daily social media easy peasy!
Tamsin Fox-Davies
There is no such thing as not having time for social media.
I know I don’t have time to do it WRONG, but doing it right is easy and quick when you know how.
I know this workshop is going to be as excellent as usual, and well worth attending for anyone that wants to save time with social.
Hi Keren – I love your points about learning what NOT to do, and what not to bother with. I think it is well worth turning up just to get clarity on these two points in themselves.
Sure to be a fantastic event!