How to say no in business!
I had my second article published on business.com – all about “How to say no.”
Business.com is the actual “.com” for the word business! It has a readership of 30 million SMEs. The article was all about how to say “No” in business. And believe me, my natural state of being is to say “Yes” – I like to make others happy and to help them. It’s integrated within our values (Caring and Helpful, Teach and Learn, Efficient Effective and Reliable, and Enthusiastic and Energetic.
While I am all about positivity and a can do attitude, saying “Yes” too much can lead to over-delivering, “scope creep”, and even burn out! In many cases you’re shooting yourself in the foot!
There are 8 tips within the post, which outline everything from setting parameters, disclaimers and boundaries, offering positive options, and how to deal with the issue when your friends and familyu want you to do things for free.
You can read the full article here: