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Keren's article on social media tools in business

How to make the most of social media tools in business: featured article in Digital Marketing Magazine + Fresh Business Thinking

This month, I wrote an article for Digital Marketing Magazine, Fresh Business Thinking and their combined audience of 100,000 digital marketers and small business owners, advising on ‘how to make the most of social media tools in business’.
The piece is packed full of tips on how to make a success of social media as part of a busy schedule, outlining the three key criteria.
If you would like to find out what these are, and how to fulfil them for a successful strategy, have a read:
Digital Marketing Mangazine:A Fine Balance: How to Make the Most of Social Media Tools in Business
Fresh Business Thinking: How to make the most of social media tools in business
I’d love to know what you think – tweet me @topleftdesign or email me on with your feedback or questions.

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