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9 great "Meet the Team" pages designed by Top Left Design

9 great "Meet the Team" pages designed by Top Left Design

We pride ourselves in making an effort in designing each page with a purpose. This way the website doesn’t look templatey and the information on the page gives the information it needs to and looks visually appealing. Below is a specially compiled collection of Team Page Designs we have done here at Top Left Design. Feel free to comment and enjoy!


With this site we made a super cool script where you click on the person’s face and the box expands to show more information – check it out:

Aprirose team page

Fish Financial

For each member of the team, there is a unique testimonial which you get by clicking on the Read Testimonial link – genius!

Fish Financial team page
Fish Financial team page

Long Way Round

We kept with the textured postcard look and feel on this page that you can see on the whole site, and included nifty little “more” links.

Long Way Round team page
Long Way Round team page


The profile pictures taken by their photographer were a unique landscape shape which makes this one a little bit different. And we have the little “More” link as well!

Olim team page
Olim team page

Petrus Financial

A cool little rollover script allows you to meet all the team by rolling over their heads!

Petrus Financial team page
Petrus Financial team page


More outdoorsy shots of the team here.

Prescience team page

Professional Financial Centres

The team here each have their little note card which we think is a nice touch!

Professional Financial Centres team page


Close up shots for all and another rollover script for support staff.

SWB team page

Association of Women Art Dealers

This allows an at a glance look at the current members of AWAD

Association of Women Art Dealers team page

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  1. Tanya Rennick

    I love “Meet the Team” pages and you do them so very well! It’s great to click and get the different effects and amazing how many different ways you can do this. Brilliant work.

  2. Tamsin Fox-Davies

    These are great. Shows how you can have an interesting about page that still looks professional and include some good additions – like including the linkedin profile links.

  3. Alicia Cowan

    About pages can be a litle dull so it’s great to see you bringing them to life with some creative style, particularly for your professional clients. I especially like what you’ve done with the Petrus and Aprirose (have seen this in action – very nice!), oh, and the LinkedIn links, naturally!
    Paul’s link – er, wow!

  4. Laura

    wow Keren – these are fab. I particularly like the Long Way Round look and feel. Love the way you’ve really taken on board the spirit of each company and incorporated it in the detail – not just the basic colours and fonts. Love it!

  5. Karen Haller

    I really find ‘Meet the Team’ pages invaluable as it’s usually your first introduction to that person. Your examples are both professional and personable.

  6. Dave Patrick

    A good collection here. It’s a really tough ask to do this sort of page justice. Do you go for pics? What style? Relaxed, formal? Black & white, colour? Portrait, full body? Transparent background? It takes a very good design eye and a good photograph to get the most out of this page. There’s also a good deal of skill in the copy writing. It’s very hard to do it well and easy to come off a bit cheesy. A nice collection!