36 ways to be more productive than you ever thought possible - using numbers
Here is a trick I play a lot when I need to get things done. I choose a number – I like 8 because to me it’s lucky.
Always start with a list
In my Moleskine diary, I make a list of a few tasks and use these goals to batch my activities. Then I power through them like a demon and only take a break when I have done that batch. It feels great and then I can brag to friends and Twitter folk about how I just completed 8 whatever-it-was.
Why cross out when you can highlight?
I then use a highlighter pen to highlight the tasks I have done. Using the higlighter just feels more positive than crossing it out. It’s a little celebration!
Now you can try it!
To help you lovely readers out I made a list of examples of some of the things I do – all using the number 8 (except for the big time consuming which use the number 3).
Email Management
- Responding to 8 emails
- Getting my inbox down by 36 emails
Content Planning
- Writing 8 ideas for blog headlines
- Finding 3 YouTube videos you can use to embed into 3 different blog posts, and write 2 – 3 lines of text to explain now they are relevant to my business
- Planning the topics for the next 8 email newsletters
- Writing a list of 8 questions for a series of interview blog posts – and send them to 3 people
- Writing the subheadling outline for my next talk – which is called 8 ways to increase engagement via Twitter
Sales Funnel
- Calling 8 people to follow up on enquiries
- Writing 3 proposals
- Sending 8 quotes by email
- Inviting 36 people to my next event
Productive Work
- Designing 3 homepage layouts
- Saving out 8 images the same size
Building relationships
- Connecting to 8 new people I have recently met at networking events via LinkedIn
- Setting up 3 meetings with strategic partners
- Tweeting to 8 clients
- Emailing a feedback questionnaire to 8 clients
- Retweeting 8 people
- Looking at LinkedIn and writing 8 recommendations
- Asking 8 people for recommendations on LinkedIn
- Planning 8 tips to share on Facebook
Team building
- Inviting 8 people to our next recruitment open day
- Sending interview questions to 3 people I want to interview for my next interview post
- Writing down 8 ideas for our next team building day and sending an email to the team to ask them which is their favourite
Content Creation / SEO
- Pinning 8 new images onto our Pinterest boards, each linking through to one of our blog posts where there is a visual element
Superhero Marketing
- Submitting a request to guest post on 8 other blogs
- Commenting on 3 other blogs
- Offering to speak at 3 industry events by emailing the organisers and outlining potential topics
- Reading 3 educational blog articles or ebooks to improve business or marketing skills
All you need to do:
Any three of the above ideas, choose your own number, and come back and comment below and tell me how you did!
martin allman
What a great article, stumbled on this as you. Actually I think I was trying to pin who created the look of Zabu!
Great idea!!
To give it a try I will take 7, 21 and 3 is a little bit less than 8 and 36 but it’s 7 my lucky number.
Awesome Keren
I’m so going to use this because I get on top of myself…oh I must write a blog…what should it be about…let me research…oh oh oh
I love how you get things done and that you have shared in another fantastic blog.
Really enjoy reading them.
Keep em coming.