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10 of the coolest sharable content about Leonard Nimoy

Are you a Star Trek fan? Even if not, I am sure you can remember popular American actor, director, poet, songwriter and photographer, Leonard Nimoy. He is famous for his role in Star Trek staring Mr. Spok.

Unfortunately, he passed away on February 27, 2015, at the age of 83, after his battle against chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He belonged among popular actors for his talent, wisdom and humour, appreciated by his colleagues and fans. After his death, people around the world expressed their sadness and big loss by posting comments, pictures or videos on the Internet and social media.

Here are some cool, creative or memorable sharable content we have found on social media sites. The amount of pictures, posts and videos reflect how influential person he was.

1. Canadian Dollar

Probably the most rumours have appeared when people started to draw Mr. Spock on Canadian $5. Tweets, pictures and also few videos were broadcasted via social media.

2. Own Graphic Design

The Twitter account of @someecards claims to be a humorous site where pictures with funny quotes are uploaded several times a day. The death of Mr. Spock could not be neglected, so this picture was created.


@someecards uploaded the famous Spock’s salute “LLP” in form of own graphic.

3. Intel Inspiration

The global company Intel used Twitter to honour Leonard Nimoy for his inspirational work.


Leonard Nimoy represented inspiration for the global brand Intel.

4. Letter from White House

Barak Obama is supposed to be a fan of Leonard Nimoy not just because of his role in Star Trek, but also for his work for community and science. He expressed his condolences in an official letter which has been later posted on the White House Twitter account.

5. Classic Humour of Leonard Nimoy on Facebook

The Official Star Trek profile uploaded this picture of Mr. Spock with his famous and funny quote. Leonard was adored for his humour.


Offical Facebook Profile of Star Trek uploaded series of Spock’s pictures with his quotes.

6. Picture Created in Photoshop Shared via Facebook

Photoshop was used to create this picture uploaded on Facebook site and was shared among Star Trek fans. The intersection of streets Live Long & Prosper was uploaded by George Takei from Star Trek.


This intersection probably bases on the original picture taken in Oregon.

7. Billboard in Atlanta Appeared on Twitter

In Atlanta, it touched the lives of people who felt the need to buy billboard space to honour Nimoy’s memory.  It’s a lovely display.


People in Atlanta honoured Mr. Spock by this billboard.

8. YouTube Video Created by Two Astronauts

NASA Astronaut Mike Fincke and ESA European Space Agency Astronaut Luca Parmitano reflect on the inspiration that actor Leonard Nimoy’s character Mr. Spock in the television series Star Trek had on scientists, engineers, space explorers and fans around the globe.

9. Vulcano Salute from Space

Terry Virts tweeted simple picture of gesture “Live Long and Prosper” but the place he sent it from is very special: International Space Station.

— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) February 28, 2015


Vulcan salute was sent from International Space Station.

10. Q&A on Twitter by William Shater

This is a list of Q&A on Twitter account of actor William Shater. Shatner encouraged his 2.14M followers to ask him questions about former costar and his close friend Leonard. He responded in his manner – his original answers were funny. It’s a pity those tweets are already deleted.

Shatner_Twitter_Nimoy1 Shatner_Twitter_Nimoy2 Shatner_Twitter_Nimoy3

A huge number of retweets and articles occur in the newspapers around the world.  Twitter seems to be the most utilised social media platform where people expressed their sadness. The amount of sharable content in the form of pictures, statements and videos only suggest how popular and influential Leonard Nimoy was.

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