Zak Shafi (our intern) and his amazing goodbye letter to us. After only 4 days work experience!
Note from Keren:
Before handing straight over to Zac, I am posting this because, well, it speaks for itself.
This is the “goodbye intern” our latest work experience student wrote us. He was here for a 4 day short week, but he did make an impression for sure.
Check out our other internship posts here! And be sure to follow us on Instagram!
Hey everyone,
Seeing as it’s my last day working here with Top Left Design, I thought I’d write you all a goodbye email.
To start off, I wanted to thank both Susan and Keren, for giving me the opportunity to work with such a fantastic, intuitive and creative company, giving me a valuable insight in to the working life.
I also want to express special gratitude to 2 members of the team, Chris and Nichaela, for several reasons. Collectively, they treated me as one of them, not as an outsider, and I felt welcomed the instant I began work here with TLD. (Clearly expressed by having to do the dish and bin duty the moment I started).
Individually, I wanted to thank you for:
- Chris: You were always there as a backbone for me if I needed help or suggestions, and you’d happily give me a hand and talk me through certain things. You also involved me in team work, by allowing me to answer calls and help you out with a couple of tasks.
- Nichaela: Your moaning and stress regarding clients was entertaining to listen to, making me giggle through the most tedious of tasks, keeping me in the spirit to carry on working.
- Susan: Well, how can I not thank you! If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have a job here. So I wanted to send a special thanks to you, for giving me such an interesting and exciting opportunity to work here at TLD, exposing me to new tasks, such as accounting, allowing me to learn valuable knowledge over the course of my internship.
- Tamlyn: I just wanted to thank you for giving me your desk, making me feel even more part of the team.
- JP Nothard: I wanted to thank you for your useful information and updates regarding WordPress, furthering my knowledge about WordPress and its functionality.
- Keren: Keren, I wanted to thank you for exercising my organisation skills, through the sorting of business cards and bank cards, and furthering my experience with Photoshop through the creation of the banners. Additionally, I wanted to thank you for exposing me to secretary work, making calls to other organisations resulting in me gaining knowledge about the industry and building my confidence. Finally, I wanted to thank you for the oyster card holder, I guess I’ll see it as a memory of the fantastic week I’ve had!
To conclude, I just want to thank everyone for their hospitality and kindness. It was a pleasure meeting you all, and spending valuable time with you guys.
I’ve really enjoyed the time I’ve had here, and would really like to come back one day to do some more work here.
Respectfully yours,
Zak Shafi
Paula Mason
I’m a great advocate for thank you letters, upwards from children to gift givers, to prospective employers who have turned us down, and this lovely letter from Zak will definitely make him stick in your firm’s collective brain for the future. Well done Zak for remembering everyone!