What's all this about "work sprints"?
Ever hear me talk about “work sprints”? I mention it a LOT. It’s great for work nerds.
People who like me have a constant amount of work and lots to do. Work sprints are a fun way to get work done in a social, motivating, inspiring way. Ideal for work you can do on your laptop, rather than having phone calls.
First, meet with a friend. I like to meet at nice environments like members clubs. I have done this at The Century Club, House of St Barnabas, Homegrown, and White City House. Many of these clubs don’t allow phone calls except in desegnated areas. I also find that the wifi is good at the Victoria branch of Le Pain Quotidien. Coffee shops are also fine, and if your laptop is like me you need a place where you can find available plugs.
Here’s how it works:
- You can meet with your friend or friends, and catchup. Use the first hour to make a list of the tasks you have to do. A brain dump of everything you have to do.
- Pick a task you can work on and tell each other what it is. It can be “reduce inbox by 20 emails” or “Write first draft of an article” or “work on a proposal for a client” or “run through your list of changes”.
- Then set a timer – can be 45mins, an hour, 90mins
- During this time, only work on that task. No talking allowed! This is your chance to focus!
- When the timer goes, share how you did. You can take a break, order a coffee, etc, but limit that break time to 10-15 mins – then repeat the process.
In a 3-5 hour session you could do 5 work sprints! You will be amazed at how focused and productive you will be. I have done this with lots of friends who have been so impressed with how fun the process is and how much we each can achieve!