Want to see my favourite Vine videos? Here's some I made, all in one post for you!
I love Vine. Even now that Instagram has created it’s own video feature I prefer Vine. My Iphone is too full for me to store video files, which is what Instagram video requires. I have compiled together a selection of Vine posts which I am particularly proud of. I hope you can spare a multiple of 6 seconds to have a look and get to know us that little bit more. Hover over each video and turn the sound on, if you like!
Chris feels like a banana
This one was extremely popular and we have had several complimentary comments about it on our Facebook page. Chris was the actor, and the dialogue is genius. “I feel like a banana” he says. There is the sound of a chime, and presto. You can see the rest below.
Tamlyn and Aric arm wrestling
Tamlyn and Aric allowed me to capture this special moment, forever remembered by us all. You can guess who won!
Jumping Jacks
Cleverly edited transformation of jumping jacks. That week, we had a “challenge of the week” invented by Nichaela, and we all had to do jumping jacks in the office, followed by positive affirmations.
Me Jumping in the office
I saw another Vine where someone looked like they were practically flying, and thought, “I could do that”. But it wasn’t so easy – oh well. It was a good workout and I will always be grateful for Tamlyn for her patience in filming this. Though it’s a 6 second video it took a lot longer to film. So thanks Tam!
Waving for Amy
As Amy is in Cape Town, we made this video to give her a wave. And we got Mike the lucky cat to participate. The one below shows how we all feel about Amy. We are all saying how amazing she is.
Office objects
We wanted to give a bit of insight into the little things that form part of our environment. A small part, but still important. It’s the little things.
The very first one. You can search the hashtag #FirstVine on the Vine app and see how many people use this. My cousin Gabriella had told me about Vine and how you could create 6 second videos and edit them on the spot. As soon as I heard about it, I understood. It was a revolution. We filmed this on a boat during a client visit.
Hope you have enjoyed. And see you on Vine!