Meet our amazing superstar client, Christian Kohlhof - with interview!
Meet Christian! I first met him IRL in Athens at an EO “Level Up” event hosted by the Greek EO chapter. He is based in Munich. After a great conversation at a fantastic event, we kept in touch and we met for a content marketing workshop when he was next in London.
He was starting his new coaching business after exiting a very successful coffee business in Germany, and chose us to work with him on his bespoke designed WordPress website. And then it was translated to German!
To help you know a bit more about Christian, I’ve included:
- A few of the fantastic pictures he had taken professionally in Munich for the website
- Some screengrabs from his website, which you can visit here.
Open to change, willing to learn, and he did his homework, Christian is the ideal TLD client (aspire towards it, I say to everyone, through my mind and my eyes)!
Why? He applied his learning and got LOTS of ROI from it, so he is another TLD superstar client we are so proud to work with!

Amy worked on the design, and Christian integrated a lot of the content and messaging we worked on together into his copy. We then had the website translated to German.
Recently, after we did some minor updates to his website, I asked if we could interview him as I wanted to feature him on Instagram and LinkedIn.
True to from, he wrote back the BEST answers so this blog post was born.
How do you describe your business/profession when you meet new people?
I help entrepreneurs and managers of fast growing companies to set up a proper management.
If you are “chief of anything” you will learn the right mindset and tools to reach your goals and keep your people on board.

What prompted you, to do your website?
I wanted a professional landing page for potential clients and a possibility to deliver content via my blog.

What made you choose to work with us?
I met Keren at an event in Athens where she told me about the power of content marketing.
We then met in London for a day workshop, where I learned all about content marketing I needed to know at that moment, and we developed a content marketing schedule that I follow till today.
What do you want to mainly use your website for?
As a professional window into the world

Have you changed your marketing behaviours since we started working together?
Totally! I never thought I could be good at blogging, or creating online content before.
Now I know I am and started my blog, contribute to one other blog, created a podcast and am writing a book.

What surprised you about the process?
It is easy to work with Keren and Top Left Design. All I had to do was follow and trust the process.

Have you had feedback on the site and if so, what have people said?
That it looks professional – that’s what I wanted.
What’s your favourite part?
The Blog! And to see how it fills up month by month – with my content ….
What was it like working with Amy?
Easy – Amy is highly responsive, fast working and always in a good mood!
Any other comments?
I recommend Keren and Top Left Design if you really want to get things done, if you are willing to take advice from a professional, and if you do your part of the work. Then it is easy and you only need to appreciate TLD service 🙂