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Help - emails going into spam

Why are my emails going into spam?

We often get asked this question so I thought it’s time to write a post about it!
If an email goes into spam, it’s usually down to the spam settings on the recipient’s email server or mail program, which generally means there isn’t really much you can do about it.
If your contacts are regularly experiencing this issue with your emails, it might be worth asking them to make sure your email address is whitelisted with them so that it doesn’t end up in the spam folder (they would need to ask their email company to do this).
Saying that, here are a few basic things to be aware of that may help prevent your email being marked as spam on the recipient’s side (we don’t find these are common, but they are worth knowing about anyway!):

  • Remove any links in your email signature that could be considered “spammy”. Be very careful about the quality and quantity of links in the content. Keep the number of links minimized and don’t use URL shorteners (like
  • D o n t   p u t  g a p s  b e t w e e n  l e t t e r s  a n y w h e r e
  • Stick to one (or two) exclamation marks , don’t go crazy!!!!!!1!!
  • Stay away from words and phrases that sound gimmicky: Buy Now, Click Here, Free, As Seen On, Double Your X, Money Making, Get Paid, Make Cash, Pre-Approved, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Low Price, Save Big, etc.
  • Keep images minimal. Having more space in the body of an email taken up by images than by text raises lots of red flags.

If you think you don’t do any of the above things, the most likely reason for the email going into spam is the recipient’s spam filter.

Tagged in:
  1. emails
  2. spam

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