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TLD Loyallty Club new member - Canape Box

Chris from Canape Box joins the TLD Loyalty Club

Chris Messum recently made the decision – as he embarks on his 10th year in business running Canape Box, to also join the TLD Loyalty Club!

Canape Box specialises in beautifully presented, delicious, impressive canapes. Sounds so delicious, and it is! So, we were very happy to welcome him and we’ve already had a brainstorming/strategy session where we’ve made huge progress.

Canapes are a joy

We’re all very excited even at the thought of the “perfect bite” you can have when canapes are made just right.   Chris stays it best: “Canapes are like that perfect forkful of your favourite dish, each part neatly combined into one delicious bite”

How does Canape Box do it better?

We’re lucky we attract some fantastic people and businesses who are all the right ingredients to be a part of our Loyalty Club. They have worked hard to build a great business, and its not hart to reveal what is true and different about them. Canape Box is no exception – as Chris puts it: “Our canapes are a careful balance of taste and texture which we believe is critical to the overall experience.  Getting that right is what we love doing.”

In addition, I must list some of the other things Canape Box already is doing right – what canape box is doing:

  • Canapes are their number one focus
  • Chris and his team are foodies who respect food, the whole production process and source.
  • Delivering canapes in sustainable plastic-free packaging – “We even reuse icepacks if the client returns them”
  • Moving all transport to electric vehicles
  • Using local produce where possible
  • Sourcing sustainable fish and meats.
  • Efficient delivery
  • Above average wage
  • A professional but friendly working environment
  • A great kitchen environment for their “cana-players”
  • A can-do attitude
  • Ability to guide you to having a most fantastic event.

Now Chris is in the TLD Loyalty Club – what have we been doing so far?

  • We’ve identified, named, and described 4 of his “customer avatars” – people who make the decisions to have Canape Box cater their events with their delicious canapes.
  • We documented the Why/How/Who and What of his business
  • We established his key messages
  • We brainstormed content for social media posts, blogs, newsletters, campaigns
  • We wrote a list of improvements we can make on his websites
  • We’re starting work on his SEO with our SEO Starter Kit, with our SEO partner, Tom.

Q+A with Chris

We also wanted to get Chris’s up to the minute feelings about his brand new experience working with us at TLD:

  • How do you know about TLD?  I was originally impressed by a showcase presentation at Bucks Business First Event. Keren of TLD clearly described all the fundamentals of effective marketing but the standout difference came with a deep understanding of persona and the power of emotion in decision-making. 
  • What about what we’ve done so far has been the most fun/interesting/exciting? Detailing the 4-course section of our client base into colourful and recognisable avatars. This was enlightening and hugely helpful in the next steps of meshing together the various marketing appreciated by each. This in addition to a more macro approach to the customer journey. 
  • What are you feeling will make the biggest difference? Speedy communication tied with energetic positive support to continue moving projects forward and actually implementing new marketing strategies. We’re confident on achieving real results. 
  • Being a part of the TLD Loyalty Club means you’re ready for change and transformation – why do you think now is the right time? Having survived covid lockdowns in the hospitality industry we have a unique opportunity to invest and grow. Less competition and a massive transition of trust with delivery services have created a new gap. We already have a well-developed product range and production facility and good knowledge of delivery. In addition to this, our market is looking for cost-effective alternatives to traditional catering and the process of organising events internally had grown in confidence. 
  • What made you decide the TLD Loyalty Club was a good option for you? Marketing is a never-ending process rarely engaged for instant results, no one angle is enough and you need consistency and clear well-timed messaging across all platforms. Being able to enact several elements concurrently seemed a logical progression, working on the whole by considering all the parts. 

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  1. canapebox

    Order delicious, handmade canapés & finger food from £1.65 each. Delivery across London, Home Counties & beyond. Perfect Canapes for parties & events.(

  2. canapebox

    Canapé Delivery Service in London | CanapéBox

    When it comes to hosting an unforgettable event, the food you serve can make all the difference. At CanapéBox, we specialize in delivering delicious, handmade canapés and finger foods that elevate any occasion. Whether you’re organizing a private party, a corporate gathering, or a special celebration, our expertly crafted canapés are designed to impress.(