6 post GDPR considerations:
As you probably know by now, the GDPR D-Day of 25th May is the beginning of the new regulations, and it’s unlikely that there are GDPR Swat teams ready to break down your door and demand to see if you’ve shredded the CVs you’ve received, deleted spreashseets, or updated your Privacy Policy. To help with reassuring you further that the world isn’t going to end but don’t be an ostrich either, here are our 6 Post GDPR considerations!
You can build your list with consent.
As long as your subscribe form and contact form have clear “opt-in” tickboxes (not pre-ticked) and as long as you add value, there will be people who want to hear from you. Maybe now they’re tired of all the emails in their inbox, but someday you can rekindle your love! Think about what you can promise and what you can commit to when it comes to your email marketing.
Social media activity is still there for you.
You can still use it to broadcast to followers and mention them in your posts. You can private message them. Check out the privacy policy notices for Twitter, FB and LinkedIn for their individual guidelines and recommendations.
Don’t lose hope!
If you’re late with your updated policies and contracts and clauses and website updates, don’t “down tools”. Just cos you haven’t completed your homework in time doesn’t mean give up and drop to your knees arms out for the handcuffs. Keep working at it.
Get the simple tasks done.
We’ve tested it here. Updating your privacy policy on your website, updating your supplier agreements, updating your Terms and Conditions of service, creating an audit of what personal data you have and where it’s stored, and checking what security measures you have in place to protect it. For a small business these tasks may only take you an hour.
Create content. For marketing purposes having good and relevant content online gives you a chance to share your knowledge, show your expertise, raise awareness and increase the amount of time people spend thinking about you.
Learn and ask for help if you need
Once you’ve read up on ICO guidance first and any other industry blogs, you can hire or speak to a GDPR specialist. We know several so feel free to ask us for our little black book of recommended suppliers.
Our friend Sahar, a data protection specialist and lawyer, says “the idea is not to make you panic, keep calm and take it one step at a time – check out the ICO for free guidance and tips”. And she should know, she’s going to still be working on GDPR after 25 May!