What did I just do? - My installation of THIS Wordpress blog (so we don't forget)
This is partly to remind me!
I downloaded wordpress, opened the Read Me file, and found the names of the files I had to edit. With Alan Ogden’s help, I went to 3dPixel.net – my wonderful hosting company – and added a database! I then went back into wp-config.php which is in the root of the “wordpress” folder and added the new database name, the username and password. I uploaded this into the same url area where I had created the database, and then went in my browser to wp-admin/install.php – the instructions werent entirely clear about this having to be online but – duh – it was. Anyway – there were prompts and by joe I think I have got it.
Jez said he could make a way for this to happen in one click. Who knows if this is true but worth investigation.
Now for some themes – downloaded one – not so great actually – so back to default! Watch this space for something more interesting – we are a design company after all!