TLD Muddy Run
On Sunday 22nd June the London TLD girls (me, Elisa, Camille, Tamlyn) and Tamlyn’s sister Kim ran in a 5KM event at London’s Olympic Park called Pretty Muddy – with lots of mud involved. It was an obstacle course, and included crawling through tubes, stepping through tires, climbing ropes and sliding down slides.
When we were clean – the theme was pink
After the run
We didn’t bring our phone cameras or selfie sticks along with us in the mud, but at the end, some nice (and muddy) strangers/fellow participants took some pictures of us so you can see what a difference some mud makes.
Not clean
It took perhaps longer to get ourselves and our clothes clean than to do the run itself. Still it was fun and memorable and we are looking at another event called “Rough Runner” as our next team challenge. We will keep you updated!