3,2,1… London 2011! You don’t need to be a sportswoman to develop your skills – by Caroline Campan (one of our interns)
Caroline and Julien are two french students who spent 10 weeks with the team at Top Left Design on a summer internship. 10 weeks have flown by! They have...
Caroline and Julien – our 2 new French interns – tell us about their first week at TLD!
Many of you already know that we are a teaching company and we regularly take work experience people who love to learn about designing and building websites and all...
Our intern Nadja – says some nice things about her time at Top Left Design
Our last intern, Nadja (from Germany), was with us for the month of September. She was fantastic, and we were impressed by her speed of learning, efficiency and attention...

Maja our intern – her goodbye letter to us!
Our last intern Maja who came from Germany has now left us – sad! We asked her to write about her experience and this is what she said: “When...