Art on Everything: Jon Judace and the Art of Good Marketing
Are you a fan of someone who does great work?
If someone is doing a good job, and you are a fan you could do two things.
- Think “wow! They are impressive/nice/good at their work. I must tell people about them.” And then forget (even though you are well meaning).
- Feature them in your blog!
Having a blog gives you the power to say THANK YOU for making this world a little bit better. Or a lot. And that’s what this blog is about. I wanted to feature an artist I met recently – who is not only doing good work, but is sharing great messages at the same time.
The art of good marketing
Last month I attended the Lambeth Country Show, a free community event held annually in Brockwell Park, Lambeth. The show features a wide range of fun activities and attractions, including live music acts, fairground rides, arts and crafts stalls and vegetable animal competitions. This is where I came across Jon Judace, a London-based artist who specializes in abstract black and white sketches and freehand drawings.
Dedicated to art and marketing
Judace, an artist ‘dedicated to sharing art with as many people as possible, and encouraging others to explore their own artistic skills’, caught my attention, not only with his fantastic artistic ability, but also with his ingenious marketing material; when I bought one of his sketches I received a small card with a short message thanking me for my purchase and providing me with his contact details and additional information about his work. The card also included a list of five promises concerning the quality of his work.
Standing out!
This card was a nice touch as it allowed me as a customer to feel appreciated, in addition to being informative and providing me with all the details I need should I want to buy from him again or get in touch. But perhaps most importantly it made him stand out. So well done to Mr Judace for demonstrating the art of good marketing!
Featured artists
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, having a blog or website enables you to help and thank those who you admire, and who are doing great work. Judace has generously used his website to showcase other amazing artists as well- so don’t forget to check them out too!
To find out more about Jon Judace and his work visit his website.
You can also follow Jon on Twitter!