6 digital marketing truths you should be aware of, even if you ignore the rest.
If you feel like things in digital marketing move too fast, you’re right. Things change all the time. I might spend ages creating a video on how to shorten...

The true importance of subheadings in your blog posts
Your headlines may be catchy. Your writing may be amazing. Well crafted words, punchy sentences, and amazing insight into the minds of your reader. But if your blog is...

How Snowbizz transformed their marketing – after only a few sessions of digital marketing and social media training!
I love a success story – don’t you? One such is the lovely Snowbizz – a family ski resort. Mum and daughter Wendy and Elodie came for 5 sessions...

Client interview: Working with the fantastic PR Agency – Focus PR
We are lucky to have such wonderful clients! Last year, we met the amazing director of Focus PR agency, Sara Balme. Focus PR is a London PR agency, specialising...

Things every website in 2014 should have, be and do
It’s time to make those website changes that have been weighing on your conscience. They will take thought, planning, and time, but the longer you procrastinate, the harder it...

7 types of headlines you can use for your blog
Extra! Extra! Headlines sell papers and blogs. Headlines are the first thing people see before deciding to read your blog. Get it wrong and you risk having all your...